Warning Signs and Treatment of Suicide


The behaviors listed below maybe some of the signs that someone is thinking about suicide. Feeling: Empty, hopeless, trapped, or having no reason to live Extremely sad, more anxious, agitated, or full of rage Unbearable emotional or physical pain Changing Behavior, such as: Making a plan or researching ways to die Withdrawing from friends, saying […]

Cognitive Health and Older Adults

old women

Cognitive Health Definition Cognitive health is the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. It is an important component of brain health. Others include motor function, which is how well a person can make and control movements; emotional function, which is how well a person can interpret and respond to emotions; and sensory function which […]

Anger – How it Affects People


The long-term physical effects of uncontrolled anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure, and headache. Anger can be a positive and useful emotion if it is expressed appropriately. Long-term strategies for anger management include regular exercise, learning Well-managed anger can be a useful emotion that motivates you to make positive changes. On the other hand, […]

What is a Psychotic Disorder?

Psychotic disorders are a group of serious illnesses that affect the mind. They make it hard for someone to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. When symptoms are severe, people with psychotic disorders have trouble staying in touch with reality and often are unable to handle daily life. […]

Seasonal Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder)


Do the winter months get you down more than you think they should? If so, you might have seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Seasonal depression is a mood disorder that happens every year at the same time. A rare form of seasonal depression, known as “summer depression,” begins in late spring […]

What Types of Conditions can PEMF Therapy Treat?


Since the cellular reaction takes place in everybody, magnetic fields are not condition-specific. As a result, PEMF therapy can be used to assist with the majority of conditions. In fact, clinical studies have demonstrated that PEMFs are capable of: Increasing circulation Decreasing inflammation Accelerating bone healing Enhancing muscle function Reducing the effects of stress Improving […]

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body dysmorphic disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. Even though These flaws are often unnoticeable to others. People of any age can have BDD, but it’s most common in teenagers and young adults. It affects both men […]

11 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

dating narcisssist

A narcissistic personality disorder isn’t the same as self-confidence or being self-absorbed. When someone posts one too many selfies or flex pics on their dating profile or talks about themselves constantly during a first date, we might call them a narcissist. But a true narcissist is someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It’s a mental […]

Social Rejection

social rejection

Rejection can be defined as the act of pushing someone or something away. One may experience rejection from one’s family of origin, a friend, or a romantic partner, and the resulting emotions can often be painful. Rejection can be experienced on a large scale or in small ways in everyday life. While rejection is typically a […]