Facts about Depression


Depression, also known as Major Depressive Disorder, is one of the most common mental health disorders. It affects people of all ages and across cultures and populations. Symptoms of depressions can vary from mild or moderate to severe cases. That is depending on the number of symptoms a person has and to what extent they are impacting his life. However, even in the mildest form, the disorder can cause significant effects on a person’s ability to carry on normal life activities and maintain quality of life. Related: Depression can be cured

Learn the most interesting facts about depression:

Depression is very Dangerous

Although depression is a very common but dangerous mood disorder, symptoms of a depressive episode can include loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, weight change, difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleep, loss of energy for daily activities, feeling worthless, low self-esteem. Depression symptoms also lead to thoughts of death or suicide!!

Interesting Numbers on Depression

17.3 million adults in the United States have had at least one major depressive episode (7.1% of all US adults), Also, that 3.2 million adolescents in the United States have had at least one major depressive episode (13.3% of the US population aged 12 to 17).

Anxiety and Depression 

Anxiety and depression disorders are firmly related. Nearly 50% of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder

“Depression” isn’t a Blanket Term

Depression comes in different forms, such as perinatal depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), psychotic depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and a shortlist of others.

Kazmo Brain Center offers a screening tool that measures the degree of depression, scores indicate the severity of depression among people who have already been diagnosed. If you are within the age 6-17 take the depression test here. If you are over the age of 18, this test is suitable for you.

Depression is More Common in Women

The risk of depression for boys and girls is almost identical, but after puberty, the risk for girls is about double that of boys. biological changes place girls at greater risk for depression, Women are also more vulnerable to depression during and after pregnancy.

Depression can Increase the Risk of Developing Other Health Issues

Untreated depression has been linked to several additional health problems, like heart disease. People who are depressed are two to three times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people who aren’t, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Your Genes Play a Role

Experts believe that about 50% of depression stems from genetics. This probably doesn’t come from just one gene but a combination. But, Yet, on the off chance that you have a parent or kin with depression, your risk is two to three times greater than it is for someone without this family history. The more severe the depression, the more likely the link to genetics. Other causes include child abuse, loss of a parent early in life, and severe stress. However, often the cause is not known.

Talk Treatment Can Be in Just Like a Prescription

Talking through your depression with psychotherapy helps many people. For a few, it functions just as taking antidepressants. In fact, for mild to moderate depression, talk therapy maybe your best option. If you do need an antidepressant, many studies show that combining medication and psychotherapy is better than medication alone. Also, talk therapy may be the safest treatment for women who get depressed while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Psychotherapy at Kazmo Brain Center, Frisco can help you. If you suffer from depression, Just call us at (469) 269-0080.

You Probably Won’t React to the First Treatment

Up to half of the people diagnosed with major depression don’t get better with their initial treatment. Doctors even have a term for this: treatment-resistant depression. That refers to depression that doesn’t improve after a month and a half of treatment. Experts think that genes may be strongly involved when people have treatment-resistant depression. In many cases, changing or adding a medication can help.

Kids Also Get Depressed

Around 1 out of 30 small kids get depressed. One indication of this is withdrawal from friends and exercises. Kids who are depressed also might start doing poorly in school. They often become irritable or have physical complaints. These symptoms often are missed. parents think the issue is something different. That is the reason 66% of kids with psychological wellness issues don’t find support. Yet, treating depression works in kids, just like it does in adults.

Kazmo Brain Center is a counseling center in Frisco, Texas specializing in mental health counseling and will work with you toward a happier and more satisfying position. If you or your loved ones are facing Depression and you need help, Request an appointment at Kazmo Brain Center and we are here to help.





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