10 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety

10 ways to reduce anxiety
10 ways to reduce anxiety
10 Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is an unavoidable part of life. It is a side effect of living in a fast-paced world.

However, anxiety is not all bad. It alerts you to danger, uplifts you to stay organized and prepared, and helps you in risk checks. When it becomes a daily occurrence, it is time to take action before it worsens.

Uncontrolled anxiety can significantly affect your quality of life. Try the following suggestions to gain control.

What is anxiety?

Your body’s normal response to stress is anxiety. It is a feeling of fear or anxiety that can be triggered by many factors, including genetics, environment, and brain chemistry.

Anxiety can cause the following symptoms;

Increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating.

It is important to note that anxiety can manifest itself in different ways in different people. While one person may experience a sinking feeling in the stomach, another may have panic attacks, nightmares, or painful thoughts.

However, there is a difference between everyday anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is one thing to worry about something new or alarming, but when they become uncontrollable or extreme and affect your quality of life, it could be a disorder.

Some anxiety disorders are:

  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Illness anxiety
  • Phobia
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Social anxiety disorder

How can I treat anxiety?

Anxiety treatment could be in several ways. One treatment method is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps people deal with anxiety when it occurs.

There are certain medications, such as antidepressants and tranquilizers. They balance brain chemistry, prevent anxiety, and even ward off the most severe symptoms.

However, if you want to take a more natural route, there are small and big ways you can fight your anxiety.

You can change your habits, such as exercise, sleep, and diet. You can also try something completely new, like aromatherapy or meditation. No matter what your lifestyle demands, there is a natural way for everyone to reduce anxiety.

Ten natural treatments for anxiety

1-Stay active.

Regular exercise is beneficial not only to your physical health but also to your mental health.

People with anxiety disorders, who reported a high level of physical activity, were better protected against developing anxiety symptoms. 

It could be due to several factors. Exercise can help you focus on something other than the source of your anxiety.

Increasing your heart rate alters brain chemistry, making more room for anti-anxiety neurochemicals such as:

  • Serotonin
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  • Endocannabinoids

Regular exercise, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), improves concentration and willpower, which can help with anxiety symptoms.

It is a matter of personal preference regarding the type of exercise. A HIIT (high-intensity interval training) class or running are the best ways to raise your heart rate.

Workouts like Pilates and yoga, on the other hand, can be just as beneficial for your mental health if you want to start with something a little lower impact.

2. Avoid consuming alcohol.

Because alcohol is a natural sedative, it may temporarily relieve the pain. However, studies suggest that anxiety and alcohol consumption are linked with anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorder (AUD).

A review of 63 studies found that cutting back on alcohol consumption can help with anxiety and depression.

Heavy drinking can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters responsible for mental well-being. This interference causes an imbalance, which can lead to anxiety symptoms.
Anxiety may rise temporarily in early sobriety, but it will subside.

Alcohol interferes with sleep homeostasis disrupting your body’s natural ability to sleep. And, as we’ll see later, a good night’s sleep is beneficial in the fight against anxiety.

3. Think about giving up cigarettes.

During stressful times, many smokers reach for a cigarette. Taking a puff on a cigarette when you are overwrought, like drinking alcohol, is a temporary fix that can exacerbate anxiety over time.

According to studies, the earlier you begin smoking, the greater your chances of developing an anxiety disorder later in life. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke alter anxiety-related pathways in the brain.

There are multiple options available to you if you want to quit smoking. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using toothpicks as a safe substitute for cigarettes.

You can also adopt habits that may serve as a distraction to create an environment that supports your smoke-free lifestyle. You can also make a plan with the help of a support system that can provide anything from encouraging words to distractions.

4- Limit caffeine intake.

Caffeine is not your friend if you suffer from chronic anxiety, and can make you nervous and jittery, which is not good if you are anxious.

It has been linked to anxiety disorders in studies. 

It may trigger panic attacks in panic disorder sufferers. Caffeine withdrawal may significantly improve anxiety symptoms in some people.

Caffeine and anxiety are frequently linked, similar to alcohol, due to caffeine’s ability to alter brain chemistry.

If you want to cut back on caffeine or eliminate it, start by gradually reducing the amount you drink daily.

To quench your thirst, start replacing these drinks with water. It will satisfy your body’s thirst and help flush caffeine from your system and keep you hydrated.

Caffeine reduces over a few weeks to help the body adjust to the habit without withdrawal.

5. Make getting a good night’s sleep a priority.

Sleep proved to be an essential component of good mental health.

Even though nearly a third of adults sleep less than 6 hours per night, we recommend that adults sleep 7 to 9 hours per day.

You can make sleep a priority by:

  • Only sleeping at night when you are weary
  • Do not read or watch television in bed
  • In bed, do not use your phone, tablet, or computer
  • Not tossing and turning in your bed or going to another room if you cannot sleep
  • Avoiding caffeine, large meals, and nicotine before bedtime
  • Keeping your room dark and cool
  • Writing down your worries before going to bed
  • Going to sleep at the same time each night

6-Meditate and practice mindfulness.

One of the main goals of meditation is to achieve complete awareness of the present moment, which includes nonjudgmental observation of all thoughts.

By increasing your ability to tolerate all thoughts and feelings mindfully, you can achieve a sense of calm and contentment.

According to John Hopkins University research, 30 minutes of daily meditation can help with anxiety and depression.

7. Eat a well-balanced diet.

Low blood sugar, dehydration, or chemicals in processed foods, such as unnatural flavorings, fake coloring, preservatives, and a high-sugar diet can also affect your mood.

Check your eating habits. If your anxiety gets worse after eating, drink plenty of water, avoid processed foods, and eat a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.

8. Focus on deep breathing.

Anxiety is associated with shallow, rapid breathing. It can cause a racing heart, dizziness, or lightheadedness.

Deep breathing exercises, which involve taking slow, even deep breaths, can help to correct breathing patterns and reduce anxiety.

9. Consider aromatherapy.

Humans use aromatherapy for thousands of years as a holistic healing treatment. Natural plant extracts and essential oils are used to promote mental, physical, and spiritual health. Its goal is to improve both physical and mental well-being.

Natural plant extracts produce necessary oils that a person can inhale directly or add to a warm bath or diffuser.

Aromatherapy is best for:

  • Help you relax
  • Help you sleep
  • Boost mood
  • Reduce heart rate and blood pressure

Some essential oils thought to relieve anxiety are:

  • Bergamot
  • Lavender
  • Clary sage
  • Grapefruit

10-Drink chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea is a popular home cure for calming your nerves and boosting sleep.


If you’re nervous, the tips above may help you relax.

Remember, home treatment can help with anxiety. However, they are not a substitute for professional help.

You can treat anxiety with therapy or medication. Consult your problems with your doctor

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