How to Use Gratitude for Happy Life

What Is Gratitude? Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health benefits. When you experience gratitude, you feel grateful for something or someone in your life and respond with feelings of kindness, warmth, and other forms of generosity. The word gratitude can have […]

A list of the different types of addictions

A list of the different types of addictions

As we’re all only too aware, there are numerous different types of addictions that people succumb to despite their best efforts to maintain control. Whether it’s a loved one, a friend, a colleague, or yourself who struggles with addiction, it is crucial not to ignore the problem in the hopes you may regain control. Addiction […]

How Anxious Thinking Hurt Your Productivity

Is Anxiety/Stress Affecting Your Productivity? Did you know that anxiety leads to an average of 5.5 workdays of reduced productivity per month? How anxiety affects your productivity… But whether you have an anxiety disorder or not, stress can still wreak havoc on your productivity if you don’t have healthy coping mechanisms. Because of its persistence, […]