A list of the different types of addictions

A list of the different types of addictions

As we’re all only too aware, there are numerous different types of addictions that people succumb to despite their best efforts to maintain control.

Whether it’s a loved one, a friend, a colleague, or yourself who struggles with addiction, it is crucial not to ignore the problem in the hopes you may regain control. Addiction is usually the result of a deep-seated issue, and until the core problem is resolved, recovery is difficult. The earlier the underlying problem is treated, the better the chances of long-term freedom from addiction.

Let us look at the different types of addictions that people struggle with regularly.

1-Alcohol addiction

Alcohol maybe a legal substance, but excessive use can become extremely dangerous. The health risks associated with binge drinking are well documented. However, as with most addictions, being aware of the downsides and quitting are entirely different.

Spotting the symptoms of alcohol addiction isn’t as easy as you might think. In a recent blog post, we put together an “am I an alcoholic” test to help ascertain whether readers were abusing alcohol or not.

Studies suggest that around 4% of women and 9% of men suffer from alcohol dependency. Although, these figures do not include those who suffer from dependency without realizing it.

Have you looked into attending self-help groups for alcohol addiction? Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is perhaps the best-known foundation, but there are plenty more to look into within this link.

If you’re worried that you or someone close to you is suffering from alcohol addiction, act fast in seeking professional guidance before the situation worsens.

2- Drug addiction

With the right support system, anyone can break free from drug addiction.

There are some devastating side effects linked to drug abuse. Addicts usually endure strains on their health, personal life, financial situation, working life, and mental wellbeing. It results in the abuse of both legal and illegal drugs.

Tolerance and dependency can quickly develop before the user realizes that addiction is setting in.

There are ways to give yourself a better chance of quitting drugs without rehab, such as choosing who you allow in your life, recognizing coping mechanisms, and setting goals.

However, more often than not, treatment is the best course of action to get your life back on track and free from addiction.

Let us look at three of the most dangerous substances commonly associated with drug abuse.

Cocaine state

The use of cocaine triggers extreme levels of heightened Euphoria and can easily result in rapid addiction.

Anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, and irritability are just a small selection of side effects that cocaine users experience in the throes of addiction.

The ‘come down’ after use of cocaine can be devastating and has been known to plunge users into depression.

There are cases of people managing to quit cocaine on their own. However, evidence suggests that a combination of specialist drug counseling and social support is the most effective method.


Often overlooked and played down, the overuse of cannabis is a serious issue. One in ten cannabis users has developed a psychological dependency, and the effects should not be understated.

In the immediate aftermath of smoking marijuana, users can feel paranoid, anxious, and frightened. Such feelings remain after the drug has worn off. It can, therefore, have a damaging impact on daily life.

What’s more, those close to you can often become secondary to cannabis and often have to cope with constant mood swings.

Unsure if you are suffering from cannabis dependence or addiction? Get in touch with Kazmo brain center today for an initial consultation.

Prescription drugs

Some prescription drugs can also become highly addictive. Antidepressants, opiates, central nervous system depressants, stimulants, and antihistamines are among the most commonly used prescription drugs.

If you are suffering from an inability to function without consuming a particular drug, it is likely the time to seek help.

Over-the-counter drugs such as Ibuprofen, codeine, co-codamol, and paracetamol can also become addictive. It is dangerous, given their accessibility.

3-Gambling addiction 

Financially, excessive gambling can be one of the costliest types of addiction. If you cannot resist the urge to place a bet, even knowing that doing so is having a detrimental effect on you and your loved ones, then you are likely suffering from a gambling problem.

A vicious cycle can inevitably occur. Once a bet loses, someone with a gambling addiction often does what is called ‘chasing your losses’. It is when you place further bets to try and make up for the loss and, before you know it, the problem has spiraled out of control.

Compulsive gamblers can find themselves neglecting work or family life and often feel guilt and remorse.

It can be a slippery slope, but there is a way out.

4-Sexual addiction

Sexual addiction is the term used to describe any form of sexual activity that feels ‘out of control’. To be clear, having a high sexual drive does not make you a sex addict.

The problem lies in engaging in sexual activity that you cannot control. It could involve excessive pornography use, masturbation, visiting prostitutes, or using chat lines.

For many, this habit doesn’t necessarily become an issue. For addicts, the inability to control such urges can quickly get out of hand and can dominate your life.

If you find yourself involved in any form of sexual activity that is harming yourself or your relationship with family or friends, the time may well have arrived to seek specialist help.

Hopefully, this blog on different types of addictions has helped you begin your path to recovery. Addiction can be a lonely place, but you are not alone.

You can speak with a loved one, a friend, or one of our trained professionals. Whoever you choose, the sooner you act better.

Different types of treatments for addiction

Both residential and community-based rehab providers will differ in the approach they take and the specific methods offered.

Kazmo Brain Center has a focus on talking therapies such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and psychotherapy.CBT is intended to challenge thought processes and allow the development of alternative ways of thinking and behaving by breaking specific issues down into small parts.

Psychotherapy is also designed to help you discover the root causes of problems through talking either one-to-one or in a group.

Some therapies will help you focus more on practical solutions to allow you to move forward and behave in different ways. Others will dwell more on why you have come to behave the way you have, to help you better understand yourself.

Resources: www.portofcall.com

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