How do Alcohol Abuse and Addiction Affect Modern Society?

How do alcohol abuse and addiction affect modern society?

Drinking alcohol can negatively impact an individual’s social and economic situation. In addition to affecting their marriage, it can also influence their extended families. As well as affecting the community, schools, workplace, healthcare system, and society, there are also significant effects on the economy.

How does alcoholism affect society?

In the United States, more than 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes yearly, making up around 13.9 percent of all people who satisfy the criteria for major alcohol use disorders.

However, those with alcohol addiction may not necessarily have the largest influence on these numbers. According to estimates, binge drinking accounts for 77 percent of the costs associated with excessive alcohol use in the United States, and most binge drinkers are not alcohol dependent.

The effect of alcohol addiction on relationships

Regular drinking can harm family dynamics and finances regarding earning money to maintain their family. 

The individual suffering from alcohol addiction frequently realizes the full degree of the harm done last. Substance abuse affects both the body and the mind.

They are losing a possible relationship with someone, whether a mate, a family member or a friend. It may greatly affect you and that person.

One in ten people worldwide suffers from addiction. There is no question that drinking in the workplace is a serious issue among people with drug or alcohol problems since most are employed full-time.

 Alcohol addiction affects the workplace.

The number of adults who regularly consume alcohol in England exceeds 25 million. There is a statistically higher chance of being employed for drinkers than non-drinkers.

40% of employers mention alcohol as a significant cause of low productivity, and 27% of people drink more due to workplace stress. 

The effects of alcohol abuse on children

In the United States, maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy is the primary cause of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), one of the most prevalent direct effects of parental alcohol usage. Many of the symptoms that children with FAS experience are lifelong and persistent.

Children who grow up in a household where a family member is struggling with alcoholism may also impact them; they are highly likely to experience alcohol use disorders.

A child’s likelihood of experiencing psychological and emotional issues can arise if they grow up in a family where at least one parent suffers from a serious alcohol use disorder.

The economic impact of alcohol addiction

Every year, just from drinking too much, the economy suffers greatly. The claim is that high alcohol taxes offset the social and economic effects of making alcohol. That, however, is untrue.

The direct costs of alcohol abuse through lost working hours are now between £8 and £11 billion, with the government receiving an average of £11 billion in taxes.

It essentially represents the number of working hours lost by people of working age,

whether due to general unsuitability for work, alcohol abuse has taken its toll and resulted in death or severe injury.

That money lost also includes the days that problem drinkers are absent due to illness.

Aggression and violence caused by alcohol

Alcohol has a huge effect on intent injuries as a result of anger in addition to unintended injuries. Studies have related alcohol use and violence.

The per year cost to the criminal justice system is another $25 billion, on top of the healthcare costs involved with alcohol-related intentional violence in the United States.

For those who struggle with alcohol abuse, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kazmo Brain Center. Our team of professionals is ready to assist you.
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