How to Be More Organized With ADHD

Living with ADHD can make staying organized a real challenge. The symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity can make it hard to keep things tidy and manage your time effectively. However, people with ADHD can develop organizational skills and routines that work. With some targeted strategies from the ADHD specialists at Kazmo Brain Center, you can minimize clutter, stay on top of tasks, and reduce stress—even if you have ADHD.

Organizing Your Physical Spaces

Getting organized begins with your environment. Here are some tips from our ADHD counselors to organize your living and working spaces:

Use Visible Storage

Clear bins, baskets, and shelving let you see everything easily. Label containers so you know what’s inside at a glance. Keep everyday items within reach to reduce searching.

Purge Unneeded Items

Go through your spaces and get rid of unused things. Less clutter makes it easier to clean and find what you need when needed.

Designate Spots for Belongings

Give everything a “home” by deciding where to store items when not in use. Always return belongings to their designated spots after using them so you don’t have to hunt later.

Prioritize Clutter-Prone Areas

Target busy spaces prone to mess, like your desk, kitchen counters, car, and entryway, for quick daily tidying. Even 5 minutes can make a difference.

Add Organizing Tools

Use drawer organizers, hanging files, racks, and bins to neatly corral items. Wall calendars, whiteboards, and bulletin boards also provide visible places to jot reminders.

Staying on Top of Tasks and Commitments

ADHD can make time management and task planning a real struggle. These strategies from the Kazmo Brain Center team help you stay focused and organized:

Use Calendars and Reminders

Write down all appointments, deadlines, and tasks on a planner or calendar. Set phone alerts to pop up and remind you of key dates, times, and to-dos.

Make Prioritized To-Do Lists

Break big projects down into small, specific action steps. Prioritize urgent tasks and schedule focus time to complete them without distractions. Cross each one off as you go to stay motivated.

Assign Deadlines

Set deadlines for finishing tasks sooner than the due date to avoid last-minute scrambling.

Schedule Focus Time

Block off chunks of time in your calendar to concentrate on important priorities without interruptions. Limit distractions in your workspace during these periods.

Review at the End of the Day

Look over your calendar, to-do list, and deadlines before bed so you’re ready to start fresh the next morning.

Organizing for ADHD Kids

In addition to the above strategies, children with ADHD thrive on consistency. Here are some tips:

Use Color Coding

Color code school folders, binders, notebooks, and bins by subject or activity. Baskets for toys, clothes, etc. can be color-coded too.

Post Visual Schedules

Display calendars, charts, etc., showing daily activities, weekly commitments, household chores, and upcoming events. Review them together each morning.

Encourage Backpack Cleanouts

Have them tidy and repack their backpack each evening so it’s ready to go for the next school day. Check homework folders.

Set Homework Routines

Do homework at the same time daily in an organized workspace. Use timers to help them focus for defined periods.

If you or your child struggles with ADHD disorganization, the compassionate counselors at Kazmo Brain Center can help. Schedule an appointment today to learn targeted strategies for managing ADHD symptoms. Our goal is to help you thrive and reduce stress.

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